Drowning in your “Beliefs” – A programmed state of being.

man-drowning-in-sea-failure-featured-imageWhen you get upset because things are not how you believe they should be, you are struggling with your program and NOT with how things actually should be. You, yourself, have written the program that you are struggling against.

Acceptance of how things are, and not how they should be, is your only way out of this program. Rewriting or changing the program will only change your location within the program, so you will gain a new perspective and feel better yet you will inevitably return to misery because you are still living within the walls constructed by you and your mind.

You must realize that your beliefs are not built on a firm foundation. They are just human-minded, programmed belief systems built on top of human-minded, programmed belief systems over extremely long periods of time that have no actual foundation in truth.

This is why re-programming is not your goal. De-programming IS. Re-programming is the easier of the two because you are replacing one drug with another. You are changing your location within the program. De-programming is basically throwing everything out without the need to replace it. This will be a place of ultra clarity because you will see things for how they are and not how your program tells you they are.

Programming reveals the differences between people. De-programming reveals the oneness of creation which includes all humans. Programming tells black people and white people that they are different from one another which leads to conflict, while de-programming reveals that black people and white people are just people which leads to peace.

An Elder says to me, one day, in a sarcastic way because I was NOT doing something the way she liked… “Thanks for helping me continue to feel relevant around here!” My response was… “Your problem is that you believed that you were relevant in the first place.” Although this may sound like a smart ass response, this is exactly the change in belief that causes your negative feelings to vanish.

This person is not feeling irrelevant for any other reason than she has been programmed to believe that as long as you are working hard and being productive that “I am relevant” which obviously, eventually leads to the converse which is “I am no longer relevant”.

The hard and cold facts are that none of us are relevant. We never were and we never will be. This world doesn’t need you and it doesn’t need me. When we die this world will continue to function in the same way as when a flower dies.

But, man can’t seem to live and die like the flower.

Men must attain, aspire, hope, dream and struggle away from their true selves. The flower is born its true-self and remains such until its death. The man is born his true-self and spends his entire life running away from himself and many times dies unhappy.

Don’t let this happen to you! Stop running! Stop hoping and dreaming your life away!

Many religious people would seem to believe that the story of Jesus is a story about suffering. Religions would almost appear to endorse suffering as a path to spirituality.

Although worldly suffering may wake you up to your true self, it is the awakening that is crucial, not the suffering. I believe that the story of Jesus is about the end of suffering and the awakening to the fact that suffering is no longer necessary. That we are suffering, for no reason, at our own hands which means that it can stop whenever we decide.

The story of Jesus is not meant to inspire the following of a man to a destination, but rather, to be inspired by that man that we have already arrived.

So, next time things are not going your way and you are feeling negative, don’t attempt to change the world so that you may get what you want for a short time which takes endless, fruitless laboring. Just realize that you have built your happiness on the lies of men and therefore your unhappiness is also a product of those same lies.

There is endless cost in arriving at your true self while living in a dream but WAKING UP IS FREE.

John Masters

No Need for a Gun! Your opinion will do.

hurtfulwords_hisvoiceonlinePeople seem to be complaining about guns these days.

Bandying about their individual opinions without realizing that social networking is their gun and their opinion is the ammunition.

The going back and forth with varying opinions about a subject is nothing more than a sport designed by the mind to keep itself busy. It may be entertaining and personally cathartic but is nothing more than fun and games and has no possibility of actually addressing the issue at hand.

People toss opinions around as facts and treat them as such. And as a result they treat each other like shit. I see people, daily, rebuffing violence in the world in an equally violent way as that which they rebuff. With no understanding that they are carrying on the conflict about which they complain. The ability to discuss your social problems at nausea is no more of a solution than would the attempt to fix a serious health problem via conversation minus productive action.

It appears that the discussion of problems, in the way that we have learned, is possibly more destructive than the problems themselves. We are so cocooned in our bubble of belief that we are blind to the destruction that we create when bashing someone about the head with our opinions.

It would appear that the natural reaction to a perceived threat to your belief system is violence and not acceptance. Can we not accept that the concurring opinion of another is not required to move towards a peaceful future with the other. Do we not understand that we are all seeking the same thing in different ways? That no-one wants to fear for their life or the lives of their loved ones? Do we believe that we are so holy that our opinion is fact and can not stand together with the varying opinion of another respectable person?

If so, we have been mis-informed.

The only solution to the conflict that we see in the world is the understanding that each of us is representative of humanity as a whole.

Humanity has NO parts! It is an UNDIVIDED WHOLE in which your perceived enemy also exists.

John Masters


The Roots of Conflict – My Hypothesis

Mind PowerI believe that a time existed long ago when mans mind did not yet realize that it was a separate entity from the brain.

The brain and the mind peacefully co-existed as one.

During this time, whether it be before or after the cave man, the brain and the mind were kept in a state of physical security by the ingenious thinking of its owner, The man.

The man used thinking as a primitive tool in order to keep the body safe so that the brain could be secure and function properly.  Primitive: meaning that it was focused solely on the absolute necessities of the organism. Food. Water. and Shelter.

The brain needs complete physical security to operate at its highest level and the man understood this. He understood that the brain had difficulty devising ways to secure food, water and shelter while he himself was under attack by his environment. So, he must physically secure himself away from the possibility of attack.

At some point during the evolution of man, the mind realized that it was, in fact, a separate Entity. Separate yet maintaining a vital connection to the brain. That it could move away from the brain yet still possess the knowledge of the brain.

It is in this realization of separation that something profound happened.

The mind decided that, as a separate entity, it must also require physical security in order to be free to function at its highest level.


The mind did not understand that it, unlike the brain, was not bound by linear time and therefore did not require any form of security at all. So, it went about securing itself in the same way that the body and brain had been kept secure for so long…

Through thought, which leads to ACTION!

The mind did not understand that no “securing action” was necessary so it got to work securing itself “psychologically.”

And, the result is our precarious psychological lives which are balanced on the notion that we will be OK if only we could secure our minds. Therefore, we go about infecting society and our environment with the anxieties and projections of our endless search for truth which has led to the mess that we see the world in today.

Politics, Religion, Nationalism, Race and Status are all constructs set up by the mind so that it may feel secure. The feeling of security is unnecessary when security is already present. The mind did not realize that security was present because it had been conditioned, through time, to be part of the material world until its awakening that it was a separate entity. Therefore the mind continued to believe in the need for physical security when in fact there was nothing physical or material to protect.

And now, mans mind has conditioned itself for thousands or hundreds of thousands of years to be bound by time through thought.

This has led to where we find ourselves today. Living in a world which is defined by conflict, suffering and pain. Why? Because conflict in the material world gives the mind false security. It gives the mind a cause. Something to fight for and against when there is, in fact, no enemy.

And, unlike in the material world, a new conflict can begin again immediately. The mind doesn’t have to get physically prepared to start another war. And it does start a new war immediately because it has conditioned itself to this one and only task of self-psychological-preservation.

This is much like the computer in the movie “War Games”. The computer will re-start the game until an appropriate conclusion has been reached. WINNING! And, the only appropriate conclusion since winning is not possible as there is no enemy is total destruction so that the game and the repetitive thought pattern may finally come to an end.

You see, the mind actually wants this psychotic cycle to end but we won’t allow it.

Our minds are playing “War Games” and will continue to play at the cost of the complete psychological annihilation of its host.

So, who is the host?

And, would it be necessary for the game to continue once the program realized that there was never actually a threat?

And furthermore, can the thinking that brought about this mess be observed and brought to an end peacefully?

These are some of the simple yet complex questions that I would like to present to myself and the reader through careful attention, awareness and observation.

Thank You for your interest!

John Masters

Fear of Death / Who “I AM”

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That which makes up who I am is my collected experiences which are based in linear time and therefore “the past”. And since time marches ceaselessly into the future at a steady endless pace, so also does my collection of the past.

Since who I am will remain incomplete as long as this cycle continues, the understanding and explanation of who I am will continue to change and will therefore never be complete. And that which is incomplete is in constant conflict with its self.

It is the continued adding to this I AM that leads to isolation, loneliness and the fear of death. Who you are is your collection from the past being experienced now and is completely grounded in time. The exit from this psychological time will be experienced at the time of physical death because it is merely a construct of the mind yet is connected to the brain.

For the purposes of this inward looking endeavor I not only want to stop adding to who I am but I would also like to start subtracting from it. Subtracting that which was not necessary in the first place.

Consciously subtracting from who you are now will keep that from being necessary at the time of death.

The enlightened man is the walking dead. He has forced his psychological death so that no fear exists now or when the physical death is at hand.

Man is afraid of death for the exact reason that he is afraid of anything else. Because he has been taught that he is separate from it. When you are separate, you are afraid and you try to prevent the separation.

Yet, we don’t wait until death to be gripped by fear. We live our lives daily in this way. So why not just go ahead and die to who you are, or who you think you are, or who you want to be, and finally start living.

Death is only the end of that which is killing us anyway.

John Masters

Learning through Conversity

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There are subjects that lie outside of what is known. Outside of what can be comprehended by thought.

These are typically considered spiritual in nature and/or of a higher consciousness. However, our concept of higher consciousness still lies within the world of the known.

We seek to understand that which lies beyond the known through thought however thought can only take you to the edge of the known but never beyond. Therefore what you perceive as higher consciousness still lies within the known.

These concepts and ideas that we chase such as God and our own identity lie outside of the known which means that attempting to understand them via thought is not possible. So we go about peddling and believing in concepts and ideas that never intersect with actuality believing that they will at some point in the future. Exchanging Peace in our current lives for some kind of xanadu called heaven where EVERYTHING will magically be better than it is now… AFTER YOU DIE.

I’m not sure about you but I am not interested in waiting for death nor will I.

These concepts are based in the material world yet point to an intelligence that lies outside of the knowledge of mans understanding. So, these concepts have not been invented by the mind for no reason. The mind is trying to give you a way out. It has left the window cracked so that you mite see what is actually happening. This leads back to the conversation regarding religion being a window to the truth but not the truth itself. Do not get stuck in your religion or concept at the cost of seeing the truth.

Learning through conversity happens when one is misdirected. When one believes the concept to be the actuality. If you believe that the concept of god is the actual god then you never step passed the idea into the actuality because you are not aware of the actuality. You believe the concept to be the actuality but “the word is not the thing”.

This is only a bad place to be if you don’t eventually wake up to it.

The more time that one spends being obsessed with a concept and concentrating on understanding something that is not actual, the more deeply and clearly they can see the converse, once awakened, which is that the actuality lies outside of that which is known or can be understood. This is the window to the intelligence that has created all that WE have not.

So, you may spend much of your life traveling in the wrong direction just so that you mite eventually realize what the proper direction is. You never would have seen the light had it not been dark in the first place. So, don’t be afraid to let go of that which you hold onto so tightly because it is the letting go that allows you to finally see through the window to the truth which is that the window was only necessary because you made it so.

The beauty in this insight is that the it causes the window/concept to vanish and you are left looking directly at the truth which lies outside of the known. This is what you have been hoping to see all along but did not understand that your search itself was the obscuring factor.

If you are holding onto a belief or an ideology and you know deeply that it is no good for you but your guilt and fear keeps you involved. Just wake up to the fact that you are only afraid of yourself and not the people within your particular group that are attempting to control you. These people are irrelevant regarding your truth and are merely a mirror. And, what you see in the mirror is fear.

This is why when you see people that have sank to the depths yet awakened, they tend to go the other way which is to be very helpful with those who are currently dealing with similar struggles.

The worse it was for you the more you would care to NOT see it happening to another.

The people of the world are not only chasing religious and political ideas but much of life is the pursuit of the betterment of an idea without understanding whether the idea itself is based in truth.

Learning through conversity becomes more fun yet less necessary as you awaken to the programming of the world. It becomes more fun as your fear of the unknown vanishes yet your journey into the unknown makes it unnecessary because the movement away from programming is identical to the movement away from thought and it is your obsessive thinking that causes your need to see truth via ideas and concepts.

Truth can be seen in-directly through thought and thinking but only DIRECTLY through quite observation. 

So when you hear people that are convinced about their ideas and concepts about who God is and who We are just realize that what they perceive as truth is merely a street sign.

It is your job to discover whether the sign points to anything worthwhile or not.

John Masters

Free your Mind and your Body will follow!

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 Now that you are aware that you are living within a programmed world. The question arises… Can I now take control?

The answer is similar to that of the world in which you currently live. You can control the inanimate parts of the program but you have no influence over organic life. Much like relationships with people where you may have an illusion of control but all you really have is an illusion because life can not be contained or controlled.

A dead man can be studied and understood completely but there will never be full knowledge of a living creature because life is not finite and evolves constantly such that knowledge regarding life must also evolve constantly. Scientists who have predicted the big band talk as if they posses full knowledge. These people are deluding themselves into thinking that they possess any more knowledge than the religious people who operate on faith with no facts. If you were not present to witness an event then everything that you think that you know about that event is merely an idea or concept. This includes both biblical creationism AND evolution via big bang.

Words on a page.

As a matter of fact, it would appear, based on studies regarding eye-witness testimony that ones perception of something that was, in fact, witnessed live, has the possibility of being skewed as well.

Life can not and will not be understood and almost everything is alive and thus can not be understood or contained. This is why life is sacred. Because once it begins, there is no ending. There may be an ending of the physical body but what was created as life in the beginning remains life regardless of the iterations of evolution.

Death of the body is merely an iteration of evolution. We, as people, have latched onto death as something to fear because it represents the end of life. But, is the end of Tuesday something to fear because it will change into Wednesday? Of course not! We enjoy Tuesday and look forward to what Wednesday may bring.

The body is a finite vessel which has been filled with in-finite life. The vessel merely holds life together in a form that we can perceive. We can only perceive of that which is measurable. The un-measurable can not be perceived of because as long as the mind is connected to the body, which is trapped in the repetitive loop of time, it is limited in scope. Therefore the living man will never fully understand himself.

The biblical stories about 5 loaves feeding 5000 and water being turned to wine are stories about limitless life being contained within a limited vessel.

It would appear, not that people believe that they are limited by their vessel, but that they are TOTALLY limited. Yet, only the vessel is limited.

The life contained within the vessel of mans body is limited only by his mind.

It is within this awareness that psychological and physiological order organically spring forth…

The awareness that mans mind has not only limited itself through thought but that mans body has become an innocent victim through that process of limitation.

Free your mind and your body will follow!

John Masters

Man created God.

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The word GOD along with all of the concepts that go along with the word are creations of men’s thinking.

The belief that there is a higher level of “intelligence” outside of yourself is merely a projection. No matter how vast the capacity of the human mind, there seems to be a resistance to the acceptance of its vastness.

The mind does not accept its true nature. Therefore it projects a higher spiritual authority into the world that it can then accept for its vastness and truth. The mind has been conditioned to believe that the answer lies outside of itself when in fact the mind not only holds the question; it holds the answer as well.

The need to believe in a higher power is the refusal to believe that you yourself are the higher power and that you yourself possess all knowledge up until this point in time. Not only do you possess your personal knowledge from your limited life experience but you also possess the infinite universal knowledge of all of man throughout time.

Your brain is not your brain. It is the brain of man. Therefore you are your own spiritual authority. You resulted from the process of creation and thusly possess a knowledge and understanding regarding the whole of creation. Isn’t this the understanding that you seek from a higher power?

It is easy to see how the universal consciousness could also be considered a higher power because if you consider that the truth is to be found outside of yourself, you project your God qualities on to the universal consciousness and call it God and worship it as an authority. So you have introduced an idea, a thought, between you and the truth.

This idea is called God.

No idea is needed to access the truth. And the truth is not of higher intelligence than yourself because you possess the identical intelligence as this idea that you have projected outwardly.

There is NO higher power!?… There is a broader power! An intelligence outside of your personal experiential knowledge which is the experiential knowledge of all man throughout time. To which you have complete and total access.

This just means that you, and only you, know how best to live your life. There is no need to construct and follow an authority when you yourself are the authority.

Although this may remove the security that you have created by handing responsibility for your life over to a higher power, what it gives you is the ability to fix what ails you immediately. There is no need to wait for God. Time DOES NOT solve problems therefore neither does waiting.

Time only allows for the reduction of the negative feelings but in no way addresses the root cause of your pain which is suffering at the hands of your own self generated conflict.

Exit your conflict by establishing the proper authority over your life…

YOU!!!… Because YOU ARE GOD!!!

John Masters

!?-remember this punctuation?- This entire article leads directly to the next logical conversation which is the truth of the existence of an intelligence that lies outside of that which has been created by the thinking of man. Stay Tuned!

Programming & Happiness

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Unhappiness is merely the sensation that happiness exists but that you don’t seem to have it.

Unhappiness is a programmed state of being because true happiness is organic and we are born with it. For some reason the program that we have written for ourselves as adults is a program of conflict. Whether it be conflicts between religions, political ideologies, cultural beliefs etc. So, we have built a program of conflict to overlay that of the true organic happiness that we already possess and then we seem to be confused as to why we are confused.

It’s a truly unhappy person that seeks endlessly for something that they already possess. The point of awakening is to finally realize that you already have that for which you seek. In that awareness lies the beginning of a peaceful life and the end of being pulled along by your program.

This is why the biblical Jesus says that to be the greatest that you must come to him as a child. The child is not weighted down by the programming of the world. Not yet at least. Unfortunately you will see to it that he is eventually. The victim becomes the victimizer! You are as guilty of programming the world as it is of programming you.

You can not find the truth within yourself while saddled down by your own programming. I call it YOUR programming because once you have arrived at an age of accountability and reason, the programming that has been pushed on you by your family, society, culture and environment become your own.

Before a certain age, you had no choice. The programming was pushed onto you without exception similar to torture. YOU WILL DO WHAT WE SAY AND THINK HOW WE THINK WITHOUT QUESTIONING ANY OF IT! However, after a certain age, you are allowing the programming to take place. Whether you are allowing it consciously or unconsciously may be questionable, but what’s not questionable is that it is now fully within your control to awaken from it. Your state of slumber and your unhappiness is your choice and the only person or thing that can set you free is you.

In order to find yourself you must only realize that you(the real you) are already there. Happiness is NEVER further than where you are now. Happiness is not a state of being that changes with the tide. Happiness is merely a choice to see through the programming to the truth which is that you are already happy.

I have a saying… “To get to yourself, you must go through yourself.”

So, how can you arrive at your destination yet first have to travel through your destination? It’s a riddle… YOU STARTED AT YOUR DESTINATION!… That understanding is what sets you free. YOU ARE ALREADY WHERE YOU WANT TO GO.   

Your unhappiness is driven by the knowledge that happiness is available yet you are not willing to take it. You are paralyzed by your programming. You need to make a choice between your program and life yet you continue to choose the program and wonder why you are unhappy.

Awakening is the opposite of confusion. Truth always lights your path and therefore a life based in truth and reality is a life without the possibility of traversing the wrong path. There is no wrong path! Every choice you make is now the correct one because the way you make your choice is based in truth, not programming. In a certain way the opposite is true when living your life in the program. every choice is wrong because every choice is an intimidation by the program and every destination is within the program.

No wonder all of your fighting and toiling never pays off.

Freedom and happiness lie outside of the program and therefore you must start by waking up to the fact that your life is being lived inside of a program in the first place. A program created by your environment and fortified by your own mind. Your mind is such an expert programmer that you don’t even realize that most of how you experience life is merely a habit.


Make your drug awareness instead of unhappiness and happiness will arise in the awareness that ALL is, in fact, well… Regardless of life’s circumstances.

The easiest way to know if you are living in the program is to ask yourself if you are happy and answer honestly. I assert that unhappiness of any sort, created by anything is a result of the program. I assert that unhappiness does not exist outside of the program and that we, in fact, have invented unhappiness as part of the “program of conflict” that we have constructed.

We seem to believe that every good thing has a bad counterpart and that there is a struggle between the two. True happiness which I will now call PEACE is everlasting regardless of circumstance. I submit that Jesus possessed true peace throughout his difficult ordeal even while sobbing tears of blood. He knew that the only way for him to become who he was meant to be was to walk to his destiny on a path of truth and not programming.

This is what Jesus means when he says that “you must come through me to reach the father.” He means that if you want to become who you are meant to be that you must walk your path in opposition to the program. Sometimes in violent opposition. Although Jesus was not a violent man his death was the ultimate violent opposition to the program. Was Jesus going to admit that he wasn’t who he knew himself to be because of the threat of death? Of course not! And neither should you. The nice thing is that you won’t have to.

You just have to wake up!

I believe that Jesus is such a pivotal character in history because he not only showed the world that breaking free from the program was possible, but also, how to do it. He helped us understand that the war against the program was not a war to be fought on earth with steel but a war to be fought in the mind with spirit.

What this means is that your peace is not controlled by circumstance. True peace remains in tact regardless of circumstance. This would appear to be the exact opposite of what most people believe. Most people’s peace would appear to be totally affected by circumstance. Things are good and you are getting what you want… you’re up! Things are not good and you can’t seem to get what you want… You’re down! Are you not sick of being a puppet controlled by your circumstances? Of course you are! That’s why you’re unhappy. I suspect that Jesus, hanging bloody and dying on the cross was in a more peaceful place than had he decided to skip that painful ordeal and just relax on the couch that day.

The point here is that pain and peace are not mutually exclusive.

You can experience Peace while dealing with pain. And, conversely, you can be totally unhappy while experiencing no pain at all.  I.e.… possessing true happiness does not prevent pain and pain does not prevent happiness. Pain only brings unhappiness if you allow it.


John Masters

When Thinking… Choose Wisely!

If you find the limitation of thought challenging and need to think… At least choose something uplifting to think about.

The ceasing of thought through control is one thing and ceasing thought through observation and awareness is yet another. Ceasing thought through control ends thought immediately yet temporarily by reinforcing it through a pattern of doing and quitting so that it eventually goes further out of control. However ceasing thought through observation is a result of fundamental change which then plays out over linear time.

There is NO fundamental change within control.

This is important to understand because it gives you the latitude to move at your own pace away from thought allowing organic evolution to drive the result of your insight. This means that thinking is not a bad word. We are not quitting cold turkey and we are not white-knuckling it.

Thought is insidious and the movement away from it is not something to be accomplished in a lose-weight-quick fashion. The objective of the movement towards quite observation is one meant to last a lifetime. Thinking, in the dysfunctional way that we have developed it, is a habit to be moved away from, never to return. This is similar to eating disorders in that we can either think to survive or we can think as recreation. When one eats for recreation one gets fat and far less aware of their body and its connection with that which is eternal. The connection to that which is eternal is the source of life. The source of peace which pervades EVERYTHING.

When thought arrives… “YOU” choose what is to be thought, NOT YOUR MIND.

You are in complete control not only of the ceasing of thought but also of what is thought so choose wisely.

I believe that thinking at all levels removed from the basic necessities of life is destructive. This is not dependent on whether the thoughts are experienced as pleasant or painful. This is not to say that thinking can’t be very productive and rewarding when used with care at the proper time pertaining to the physical world. Yet, it is to say, that had man not perverted thought in the first place, thought itself would never have been a perceptible option as the solution to its own problem.

We have made something unnecessary necessary and then we have gone about trying to correct the necessary thing that has gone out of control rather than realizing that it is unnecessary.

Attempting to correct a pattern with a pattern leads only to yet another pattern. It is the pattern which alerts you to the reality of this process. All patterns lead to conflict however if one must choose between an uplifting pattern and a depressing pattern then at least make the obvious choice.

You are the organizer of thought so organize your thoughts in such a way as to support a peaceful life so that your life will support the sighting of truth. It is the seeing of truth which leads to the organic movement away from thought.

The ability to choose one thought over another is the beginning of the end of thought itself.

John Masters


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I believe that a time existed long ago when mans mind did not yet realize that it was a separate entity from the brain.

The brain and the mind peacefully co-existed as one.

During this time, whether it be before or after the cave man, the brain and the mind were kept in a state of physical security by the ingenious thinking of its owner, The man.

The man used thinking as a primitive tool in order to keep the body safe so that the brain could be secure and function properly.  Primitive: meaning that it was focused solely on the absolute necessities of the organism. Food. Water. and Shelter.

The brain needs complete physical security to operate at its highest level and the man understood this. He understood that the brain had difficulty devising ways to secure food, water and shelter while he himself was under attack by his environment. So, he must physically secure himself away from the possibility of attack.

At some point during the evolution of man, the mind realized that it was, in fact, a separate Entity. Separate yet maintaining a vital connection to the brain. That it could move away from the brain yet still possess the knowledge of the brain.

It is in this realization of separation that something profound happened.

The mind decided that, as a separate entity, it must also require physical security in order to be free to function at its highest level.


The mind did not understand that it, unlike the brain, was not bound by linear time and therefore did not require any form of security at all. So, it went about securing itself in the same way that the body and brain had been kept secure for so long…

Through thought which leads to action!

The mind did not understand that no securing action was necessary so it got to work securing itself “psychologically.”

And, the result is our precarious psychological lives which are balanced on the notion that we will be OK if only we could secure our minds. Therefore, we go about infecting society and our environment with the anxieties and projections of our endless search for truth which has led to the mess that we see the world in today.

Politics, Religion, Nationalism, Race and Status are all constructs set up by the mind so that it may feel secure. The feeling of security is unnecessary when security is already present. The mind did not realize that security was present because it had been conditioned, through time, to be part of the material world until its awakening that it was a separate entity. Therefore the mind continued to believe in the need for physical security when in fact there was nothing physical or material to protect.

The mind was conditioned to believe that it was bound by physical time through thought, as was the brain, and thusly bound itself, psychologically, by time through thought in the very same way as the brain.

And now, mans mind has conditioned itself for thousands or hundreds of thousands of years to be bound by time through thought.

This has led to where we find ourselves today. Living in a world which is defined by conflict, suffering and pain. Why? Because conflict in the material world gives the mind false security. It gives the mind a cause. Something to fight for and against when there is, in fact, no enemy.

And, unlike in the material world, a new conflict can begin again immediately. The mind doesn’t have to get physically prepared to start another war. And it does start a new war immediately because it has conditioned itself to this one and only task of self-psychological-preservation.

This is much like the computer in the movie “War Games”. The computer will re-start the game until an appropriate conclusion has been reached. WINNING! And, the only appropriate conclusion since winning is not possible as there is no enemy is total destruction so that the game and the repetitive thought pattern may finally come to an end.

You see, the mind actually wants this psychotic cycle to end but we won’t allow it.

Our minds are playing “War Games” and will continue to play at the cost of the complete psychological annihilation of its host.

So, who is the host?

And, would it be necessary for the game to continue once the program realized that there was never actually a threat?

And furthermore, can the thinking that brought about this mess be observed and brought to an end peacefully?

These are some of the simple yet complex questions that I would like to present to myself and the reader through careful attention, awareness and observation.

Thank You for your interest!

John Masters